Te Ara I Te Matihiko Toi wānanga will be held 10am – 3.30pm on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 August at Toihoukura.
Registrations are open for Tairāwhiti-based artists to attend the second in a series of workshops hosted by Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival, designed to build and enhance tools and information to support their artistic practice.
Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival’s Chief Executive and Artistic Director Tama Waipara says, “The wānanga bring together a diverse mix of Kaikōrero and local artists across a range of disciplines and experience levels to network and pick up useful tools for building capability in processes within the industry.”
More than 30 artists attended the first workshops in July, which focused on funding strategies, preparing grant applications, social media marketing, branding and building business cases.
One participant said, “The presentations were useful in gaining information and tools around building artist resilience, networking capability and digital capability. Very diverse, and yet complimentary just within one day.”
Workshops in August will be facilitated by experienced singer, actor and producer Mere Boynton who is currently Director Ngā Toi Māori for Tāwhiri, the organisation that produces the New Zealand Festival of the Arts, Wellington Jazz Festival, Lexus Song Quest and other major events.
Guest speakers will include artists and professionals in the sector including:
- Kahu Kutia – Artist, writer, activist, storyteller (He Kākano Ahau)
- Libby Hakaraia – Te Tumu Whakarae for Māoriland Charitable Trust
- Taupuruariki (Ariki) Whakataka-Brightwell – Indigenous digital and mural artist
- Wi Pere Mita – Lawyer, mediator and consultant
- Nikau Hindin – Contemporary Māori art and aute practitioner
- Lady Rose Lardelli – Co-director Lardelli Arts
- Kaaterina Kerekere – Digital, animation and graphic design specialist
- Mareikura Whakataka-Brightwell – Kaimahi for Manatū Taonga
- Isaac Hughes – Accountant, Te Rau Oriwa Consulting Ltd
With more to be announced, artists interested in attending one or both days should register to secure your spot!