Renee McDonald
Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu
About the Artist
Renee McDonald is a rising Māori artist with proud roots in Ngāti Porou and Ngāti Kahungunu. Though born and raised in Sydney, Australia, Renee has always felt the deep call of her Tūrangawaewae, drawing her back to Aotearoa to immerse herself in the rich traditions of toi Māori and the Te Reo Maori. Now in her third year of a Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts at Toihoukura, Renee’s work predominantly explores the mediums of relief and acrylic, where she finds a profound connection to her cultural heritage. Her artistic journey is one of rediscovery, as she delves into her Māoritanga through her craft, while also nurturing her pēpi within the embrace of Te Ao Māori. Renee’s art is not just a reflection of her personal exploration, but also a celebration of identity, culture, and her enduring love for her ukaipo.
Te Ara i Whiti
Poipoia tō uri whakatipu kia ora ai tō whakapapa, 2024
My Nanny, Te Waimatao Matewai Karena, lived in Ruatoria, where she nurtured and raised her tamariki and mokopuna. No Ruatoria ahau. Over time, my whānau slowly drifted further away from our Tūrangawaewae. We moved to towns, then to cities, and eventually found ourselves in Australia. We became part of the urban drift, gradually losing our reo and the deep connection to our ūkaipō. Now, six generations later, we are returning to our whenua in Ruatoria. This journey back to our roots symbolises a reclamation of our identity, a revival of our whakapapa, and a reconnection to the land that sustains our wairua.
As we return, we carry with us the hope of nurturing our pēpi within Te Ao Māori, nourishing them with the knowledge, language, and traditions that were once lost to us. In doing so, we ensure that our whakapapa thrives, and our tamariki grow strong in their identity, deeply rooted in the richness of our culture and land.
You can find “Poipoia tō uri whakatipu kia ora ai tō whakapapa” at Te Ara i whiti from October 4 – October 13, 2024 at Kelvin and Marina Park.