Ngaumutane Jones – Te Ara i Whiti Artist 2024

Ngaumutane Jones

Ngāti Kahungunu, Kai Tahu, Tainui, Tūhoe


About the Artist 

Traversing the realms of te taiao (natural world), te ao māori (māori world), sci-fi and anime. Ngaumutane Jones a.k.a Umu Creative is a multidisciplinary artist based in Ōpōtiki/Te Whakatōhea. Deeply involved in visual storytelling, Ngaumutane explores technology as a tool for discovering innovative ways to share our pūrakau (stories).


Te Ara i Whiti

Ngā Manawa, 2024 

Ngā Manawa stemmed from the whakataukī:
“He kokonga whare e kitea; he kokonga ngākau e kore e kitea”

which can be interpreted as: “The corners of the house may be seen and examined; not so the corners of the heart.”

This whakataukī highlights the contrast between the visible and the hidden. What we see on the outside does not always reflect the true state of what is happening on the inside.

This heart space explores vulnerability and transparency within the contexts of aroha (love) and kotahitanga (unity) through ngā manawa e toru (Pūmanawa, Manawa and Whatumanawa.)

Through working with Mokotron we were able to dive deeper into these concepts through sound, bringing to life the heartbeat of Ngā Manawa.


You can find “Ngā Manawa” at Te Ara i whiti from October 4 – October 13, 2024 at Kelvin and Marina Park.